Sore After a Car Accident? 6 Injuries With Delayed Symptoms

sore after a car accident

Approximately 3 million Americans a year are injured in car accidents. Injuries can range from minor bruises and scrapes on up to devastating head trauma or other injuries that leave the victim disabled for life.

It’s common for people to walk away from a car accident mistakenly believing they were not injured. But there are several common car accident injuries that don’t show up until later.

Let’s look at several injuries with delayed symptoms that can make victims sore after a car accident in Indianapolis.

1. Whiplash

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries people experience in car accidents. It is caused by the sudden jolt of the impact stretching and straining the tendons in the neck and shoulders beyond their capacity, causing damage.

In some cases, victims will experience pain and discomfort immediately. However, it’s very common for the symptoms of whiplash to show up the next day or even a few days later.

If victims begin to experience neck and shoulder pain after a car accident, it is advisable to seek medical attention. Symptoms of whiplash also include headaches, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, and trouble sleeping.

In many cases, their injury is whiplash, in which case minor cases will heal on their own. More severe cases, however, may need medical attention. This type of pain can also indicate a spinal injury which will need treatment.

2. Concussion

A concussion occurs when the brain strikes the inside of the skull. Car accident victims don’t have to strike their head on something to experience a concussion. It can happen from a sudden, forceful change in motion that slams the brain against the skull.

Depending on the severity of the blow, victims can experience a range of symptoms including:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness and disorientation
  • Mood swings
  • Changes in appetite or sleep habits
  • Light sensitivity
  • Sound sensitivity

A concussion can be hard to pinpoint, especially if there is no outward indication of an injury. It can also be life-threatening. This is why car accident victims need to seek medical attention even when they think their injuries are minimal.

Look at this checklist to learn what you should do immediately following a car accident in Indianapolis.

3. Internal Bleeding

It is possible for internal bleeding to go undiscovered for a few days after a car accident. However, this is a life-threatening injury and not something to be taken lightly.

Abdominal pain can be an indication of internal bleeding. Large, dark bruises, dizziness, and fainting spells can all also be indications of this dangerous condition.

4. Blood Clots

Blood clots can develop as a result of other car accident injuries. Though blood clots in themselves are not a big deal as the body often takes care of them itself. However, if they reach the heart or the brain, they can cause serious injury or even death.

Headaches are a common indication of blood clots on the brain. They may or may not be accompanied by other signs of concussion or brain trauma.

Symptoms can take a few days to develop.

5. Back Injuries

Back pain is extremely common after a car accident, particularly when the vehicle is struck from the rear or the side. Its presence can indicate various types of injuries including:

Back pain is often accompanied by other symptoms that help to pinpoint the source of the pain. For example, sciatica or numbness or tingling in the limbs can accompany back pain caused by a pinched nerve due to a herniated disc or spinal damage.

Other symptoms of back injuries include:

  • Headaches
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Bruising
  • Weakness
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Loss of balance

The spinal cord plays an important role in the function of the body. Damage to this body part can be devastating and permanent. Victims who experience any of these symptoms should seek medical help immediately.

6. Emotional Injuries

The body isn’t the only thing that can be damaged after a car accident. Many people are strongly impacted emotionally to the point that they experience symptoms of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

Feeling uncomfortable on the road after a traumatic accident is quite normal. However, some people also experience vivid flashbacks and nightmares about the events of the accident.

This is particularly common in young children.

Other folks can develop depression and anxiety after an accident. In rare cases, the effect is so strong that folks need therapy before they can get out on the road again.

Feeling Sore After a Car Accident?

Many physical problems can leave victims feeling sore after a car accident in Indianapolis. But those aren’t the only problems victims may have to deal with.

If the injuries sustained were severe enough, victims may have to take time off work to heal and attend physical therapy. Plus, they may be responsible for hefty medical bills.

That doesn’t seem fair if they didn’t cause the accident.

Have you been in a car accident that left you feeling sore? Not only physically, but also mentally as you struggle to recover and pay bills you shouldn’t have to pay?

Contact Truitt Law Offices today or visit us at any of our Indiana offices for a free consultation. That way you can find out if your case qualifies for compensation and a ballpark figure of how much to expect. Then, we’ll help you go to court and fight for the compensation that you deserve.

Visit Our Indianapolis Car Accident Law Offices

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About the Author

As an attorney who has practiced law in Northeast Indiana for nearly four decades, Richard Truitt has seen many changes in the way personal injury and wrongful death cases are handled. However, at least one aspect of his work has remained the same. “You always have to listen to your clients, and you have…