Indianapolis Toxic Torts Lawyer

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What is a Toxic Tort?

A toxic tort is a legal claim made on the claim of exposure to a hazardous substance. We see many cases where an individual is looking to sue a company or manufacturer or chemicals, pesticides, or other pharmaceutical drugs.

The attorneys at the Truitt Law Offices are experienced in dealing with toxic tort cases and have a proven record of successfully defending our clients against frivolous toxic tort lawsuits.

Are Technological Advances Responsible for Some Lawsuits?

There have been quite a few advancements in technology, medicine, and dangerous chemicals. While many of these advances have benefited people, there can still be risks involved when someone is exposed.

Often chemicals, which are safe and effective, are used in claims by individuals who are looking to sue companies for injuries that were not a result of the products involved.

What New Litigation is Available for Toxic Torts?

As a result of these new chemicals and drugs becoming mainstream, there have been lawsuits focused specifically on alleged injuries from these chemicals and drugs. These lawsuits have become known as toxic tort litigation.

Many lawsuits have come against companies, manufacturers of chemicals and foods, employers, and other parties on behalf of both individuals and groups of people.

What Are Some Types of Toxic Tort Claims?

Since many people come in contact with these items, a few different claims come against companies, employers, and manufacturers. Some of these types of claims include:

  • Individual claims
  • Multi-party claims
  • Class action lawsuits
  • Government agency actions
  • Enforcement actions

Are There Some Targeted Companies in These Toxic Tort Lawsuits?

It has become more prevalent for individuals and groups of people to look to target companies for these lawsuits. Many people and attorneys look at an employer or manufacturer as an easy target for a lawsuit.

Some examples of target companies include:

  • Chemical manufacturers
  • Machinery manufacturers
  • Farm feed suppliers and manufacturers
  • Companies where chemicals are stored
  • Tobacco manufacturers and companies that sell tobacco products
  • Equipment manufacturers
  • Pharmaceutical companies

An experienced team of attorneys who are familiar with toxic tort cases is necessary to mount a strong defense against these types of claims.

Our attorneys have the necessary legal and scientific knowledge to defend against allegations of exposure to harmful chemicals or that injuries have occurred as a result of the alleged exposure.

Our Attorneys Have Experience

The attorneys at Truitt Law Offices have a wealth of experience dealing with toxic tort lawsuits. We have represented a variety of clients and successfully defended them against allegations and frivolous lawsuits.

As a result of our experience, we have been able to compile a substantial collection of resources and tools to be successful in even the most complex toxic tort case.

We have worked on single-plaintiff cases to being part of a defense team in class actions lawsuits where hundreds of plaintiffs have filed claims. We have successfully defended numerous products and defendants against these claims.

Another advantage of working with our firm is that we have helped to advise clients on risk management and preventive procedures they can implement in their respective fields of business.

We thoroughly invest in our clients so they understand where and if they might be liable, how to avoid civil trials, implementing product warnings, documentation for regulatory consideration, and agency rules and policies.

What Are Examples of Toxic Tort Lawsuits?

We have experience defending cases involving a wide variety of allegations of exposure and injury. Some of the cases we have supported include the following:

  • Animal and livestock feed products
  • Asbestos
  • Chlorinated Solvents
  • Farm Chemicals
  • Latex products
  • Lead-based paint claims
  • Mold
  • Petroleum hydrocarbons
  • PVP
  • Tobacco claims
  • Vaccines
  • Changeable organic compounds

Contact the Truitt Law Offices Today

Defending against toxic tort lawsuits can be complicated and risky for all defendants. There is no shortage of people looking to sue a successful company, which is why it is so important to have a strong team on your side.

Contact us today to talk to one of our attorneys about defending your toxic tort lawsuit. We are ready to help you mount the strong defense that your company needs.

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