Bus Accident Lawyer in Indianapolis

Recent statistics from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration show that 280 buses were involved in fatal accidents in one year. Most of those accidents involve school buses, but transit buses made up 33% of fatal accidents while intercity buses were responsible for 13% of fatal accidents.

According to some reports, 12% of all bus drivers involved in a fatal bus accident were aged 65 and over, while only 3% were under the age of 26. Most fatal bus accidents involved a bus that was driven by a man.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a bus accident in Indianapolis or throughout the state of Indiana, you need the expertise of Truitt Law Offices lawyers who have the experience and knowledge to handle your bus accident claim.

The attorneys at Truitt Law Offices understand that your bus accident could have been caused by many different factors, and they know that not all bus accidents are limited to work or commercial collisions. Some bus accidents involve tour groups, church groups, and other bus patrons.

A bus and/or mass transit accident could leave you or your loved one seriously and/or permanently injured. In some cases, there could be a death, which leaves your family members to file a claim for wrongful death. Your Indianapolis bus/mass transit attorney will play a major part in your bus/mass transit accident. The staff at Truitt Law Offices will help you and your family rebuild your lives and try to put your family back together.

Why Are Indianapolis Bus Transit Injuries So Dangerous?

The sheer speed and size of a bus can make matters worse when involved in a bus/mass transit accident with a car or pedestrian. Many buses in Indiana carry quite a few passengers that don’t wear seatbelts. This can lead to major injuries including skull fractures and other traumatic brain injuries, back injuries, whiplash, spinal cord injuries, and even death.

Being catastrophically injured in a bus/mass transit injury could leave you will thousands of dollars in medical bills, lost wages, and missed work time.  The ability for you to recover all the compensation you deserve for your injuries depends on the facts of your individual case, but you will need to consult with an Indianapolis personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after the accident.

Lawyer representing personal injury.The Truitt Law Offices will be involved in all aspects of your injury case. They will investigate the scene of the accident, work with expert witnesses, and, in some cases, hire a private investigator to evaluate the public court and driving records of the driver who caused the accident. In addition, they will interview witnesses, and understand how to navigate the complex legal system.

After being involved in an Indianapolis bus/mass transit accident it may be confusing for you to know how much compensation you may be entitled to under Indiana personal injury law. But knowing that you have the Truitt Law Offices on your side will help you receive all the compensation you deserve and put the Indianapolis bus/mass transit accident behind you and get on with your life. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Visit Our Indianapolis Bus Accident Injury Law Offices